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Digital Banking platform play vital role in modern banking. GREEN PIN, the green initiative & a value added service, offers an effortless and hassle free Netbanking Password generation for existing as well as new customers.
We have introduced the facility of GREEN PIN for Password generation during new customer enrollment and for regeneration of login and transaction password. Customers having Internet Banking and valid email id can use this facility.
Login and Transaction passwords for new Enrolment:
Customer can regenerate his / her e-Banking Sign-on Password in Internet Banking using the “Forgot Password” option in the login screen and Transaction password from “Reset Txn Password” menu after login.
Procedure for resetting Login Password :
If reset of login password is by choosing DOB detail, Password to open the PDF is a combination of First four(4) letters of User ID(in upper case), followed by Date of Birth in DDMM format and followed by last three digits of mobile number.
If reset of login password is by choosing PAN detail, Password to open the PDF is a combination of First four(4) letters of User ID(in upper case), followed by First four (4) letters of PAN Number (in upper case) and followed by last three digits of mobile number.
Example : If User ID is GOKULAMC09, PAN number is XXXXX1111X and mobile number is 9999999909, password to open the PDF document is GOKUXXXX909.
Procedure for resetting Transaction Password :