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Notice is given that as per Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (“the Rules”), the Company is required to transfer the shares, in respect of which the dividend remains unpaid or unclaimed for a period of seven consecutive years to the IEPF Account established by the Central Government.
Equity Shares to be transferred to IEPF for the FY-2024-2025
Equity Shares to be transferred to IEPF for the FY-2023-2024 :-
Equity Shares to be transferred to IEPF for the FY-2022-2023 :-
Equity Shares to be transferred to IEPF for the FY-2021-2022 :-
Equity Shares to be transferred to IEPF for the FY-2020-2021 :-
Claiming of Unclaimed Shares and dividend amounts :-
Details of IEPF Nodal Officer:
For any queries regarding IEPF, shareholders may contact :
Nodal Officer— Mr. Swapnil Yelgaonkar,
Company Secretary
Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited
57, V.E. Road, Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India. Zip: 628 002.
Phone: +91 (461) 232 1932, +91 (461) 232 1929, +91 (461) 232 5831
+91 (461) 232 3867 Extn.: 308. Fax: +91 (461) 232 1178, 232 2994.
Email: cs[at the rate]tmbank[dot]in, shareholders[at the rate]tmbank[dot]in
Download IEPF e-Form 5 and Information Kit :-
Public Notice for Transfer of Shares to IEPF Authority :-
Shares Liable for Transfer to IEPF Authority :-
Dividend Transferred to IEPF:-
Dividend to be Transferred to IEPF:-
Shares Transferred to IEPF :-
Shares to be Transferred to IEPF :-